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Welcome to the Divergent Gaming website! Here you can apply for positions, or be a part of the community!

Message of the Day

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Message Of The Day

Basic server rules

  1. Do not RDM.
  2. Do not RDA.
  3. Do not FailRP.
  4. Do not minge or troll.
  5. Do not hack or use anything that gives you an advantage over other players.
  6. Any form of DDOS threat is immediately bannable, doesn't matter if it's in game or outside of the game. I wouldn't recommend making jokes about DDOSing the server either.
  7. Do not be racist.
  8. Do not chat spam.
  9. Do not disrespect any player or staff.
  10. Do not impersonate staff members.
  11. Staff word is final.
  12. Do not argue in Out Of Character chat.

Battalion rules

  1. You can only switch from a battalion after being in it for 1 day.
  2. After you switch battalions you have a 3 day cooldown before you can switch again.
  3. Listen to your commanders or it is FailRP
  4. Do not beg for promotions

Staff Rules

  1. Do not use staff commands off duty.
  2. Do not abuse your powers.
  3. Always check blogs.
  4. Do not spawn items off duty unless given permission by Senior-Admin+
  5. Do not take admin calls off duty.
  6. Do not abuse your Phys gun.
  7. Do not beg for promotions
  8. If you do not know what to do in a situation, then ask a higher up for their input.
  9. Do not warn other staff members.